Happy Birthday to Katie!

One half of our Adultish team is celebrating a birthday today!

Here is a poem showing how awesome this chick is…

Unknown K is for kind, sweet and nice


3499401481_2188e5cd42A is always being there to talk no matter the time of night


Unknown-1 T is for tall, for she is not short


imagesI is for imagination, she is always reaching for more


Unknown-2 Finally, E stands for exciting because its never the same thing twice!


Happiest Birthday!

6 Ways Michael Scott is Actually a Great Boss

We all know the hilarious workplace comedy, The Office.  In the US version, Michael Scott is played brilliantly by Steve Carell.  He is the ringleader of his paper-selling employees. Although there is a very long list of why he would probably not last in a real life managerial position, here are six reasons why we love Michael Gary Scott.

1. The way his office is decorated.

“World’s Best Boss” mug, an American flag, and some chattering teeth.  Ever noticed that framed award hanging on the wall behind his chair?  It’s not academically related – its a certificate of authenticity for owning a Seyko timepiece.  Classic.

2. His ability to bring humor into situations.

Despite The Office being a hilarious show, it also can touch on some heavy topics.  Mr. Scott might not handle them in the most appropriate of ways, but he knows how to make people laugh (whether or not they are laughing WITH him or AT him).

3. His love of parties.

Birthdays, Christmas, THE DUNDIES! He’s got The Party Planning Committee hard at work.

4. The genuine love he has for his employees

When he heard that Jim was in love with Pam…he told the whole office.  But, he gave Jim really good advice, “never give up.” Jim took that to heart and even in the toughest of times he held onto the hope that he and Pam would end up together.  Later in the series, Jim and Pam get married and have 2 adorable kids.

5. He is a very successful salesman

You wouldn’t guess it by the way he conducts himself in the workplace, but he gets the job done.  Through witty words and the power of persuasion, he closes a lot more deals than you would think.

6. He wrote a screenplay called “Threat Level Midnight”

Agnet Michael Scarn takes on evil in this action-packed thriller.  Characters include: Samuel (the butler), Catherine Zeta Jones, and Goldenface.  Dying to know more?  Check this out.


Watch Out

Accessories don’t always have to just be add-ons without a purpose. They can be useful! We wear a watch almost everyday. We don’t like to always need to have our phone by our side to check the time. We’re old school that way. Just like clothes, there are many different styles of watches and some go better with certain outfits. Here are our picks for watches this spring!


This Lavender Rose Gold Double Wrap Watch by La Mer Collections is pastel perfect.  The strap adds a bright color on the wrist, while the rose gold adds a pink pop to the skin.  You may think that a purple color would be hard to coordinate with an outfit, but you’d be surprised to see how many different hues this goes well with.  Find it here!



Kate Spade understands our love for scallops.  No, not the tasty creatures from the sea, but the ever-so-stylish curved edge. Black is always in, no matter the season, and when a scalloped edge is involved, it creates a feminine classic.  Find it here!


Gold and silver can be mixed without any fuss.  Leather can be more casual which is why we picked this metal timepiece for the workplace.  Pair it with a dark blazer and nude pumps and you’re ready for your important meeting.  Find it here!

Back from Belize

Meredith recently participated in a mission trip that served the village of San Mateo, Belize.  Here is a summary of her experience:

    My short time as a missionary down in Belize was awesome.  Though the trip had its ups and downs, it was very rewarding.

I went with a group of people from my church and we all varied in age.  As I sat in my aisle seat on row 22 aboard an American Airline, I thought about what to expect from this week.  About 5 years ago, I had been on the same mission trip, but the dynamics were a lot different.

We worked at a school in San Mateo named Holy Cross Anglican School.  The students were preschool age through 6th grade. This time I was focused on doing a lot more construction, rather than primarily interacting with the children.  I enjoyed working with the precious kids, but I wanted to put my strength to the test.  I was ready to get my hands dirty – both literally and figuratively.

The week flew by. I was helping with some larger construction projects and even getting to play with the kids a little bit after school.  One moment that really touched me was when I first got to the school and was checking things out.  A lot of things had changed, for the good thankfully, but one of the things that remained was a mural I painted five years ago.  It was a little banged up, but still readable.  I was so happy to see it was still there.   A couple of the staff members asked me to retouch it, and retouch I did.  I also found time to paint a new mural with the help of two friends.

It was nice to clear my head and help other people who were in need.  Lately, I have been focusing on myself and my problems, when I should be thinking about others.  This trip was awesome and I treasure the relationships that came out of it.

The new mural:

The school: IMG_1534



Moms and the Media – A Life Lesson

Here’s a simile for you: Moms are to the media as oil is to water.


Let’s just say that LOL does NOT mean “Lots of Love,” and sending a novel-long text with a million questions will not make us text you back any faster.

We love our moms and we love technology, if only there were a way to marry the two. It stems from a generation gap and a decrease in face-to-face communication.  Sometimes, it’s quite sad how glued we can be to our phones and laptops.  When our friends want to “watch a movie” it translates to lets all take out our phones and check Instagram and Facebook while a film is playing on the T.V. in the background. We know we’re guilty of it too, but we’ve tried to decrease the amount of time we spend on our iPhones.  Recently, when we’ve gone to dinner with friends, we’ve kept our devices in our purses and only reached for it when the meal was over.

Baby steps.

Let’s take a lesson from our lovable, and sometimes, clueless mothers. Texting isn’t everything.  We know that the present and future are digital and that is so awesome.  Let’s pretend we don’t have an Instagram for a day and see how many people we can talk to.  Why not listen to the birds chip instead of checking Twitter.  Freeing yourself from something that takes up so much of your time will be liberating, trust us.


World’s Best Trail Mix


Trail mix is the most perfect snack. You can grab it by the hand full, it is comprised of a variety of ingredients and it just never gets old! We have had our fair share of trail mix through the years, but this one takes the cake.

Best Trail Mix Ever – notice we aren’t giving you any specific measurements, just the ingredients because we think you should chose how many or how few chocolate chips you use 🙂

-Golden Grahams Cereal



-Butterscotch chips

-Chocolate Chips

-Sunflower seeds


Get ready to get addicted.




How To Be Rich in Your Twenties


Is it possible to be rich in your twenties? Eh, maybe not rich but I think you can certainly live comfortably. As 22 year olds, we’re not sitting in piles of money. However, with a few tricks and some self control we have discovered that you can have a great life living on $16.50/hr.

Here’s how:

1. Coupons.

Do not be embarrassed about using coupons. Coupons are cool if they get you 2 meals for the price of 1. Groupon is our bestie. Just yesterday we discovered a 4-6 day trip to the Domincan Republic, with airfare, for as low as $569. That’s right, WITH AIRFARE. On Groupon you can buy clothes, beauty products, tickets to events, book a hotel and much more. Read the fine print of course, but we’ve never had any problems.

2. Set a Budget and stick to it.

I have a $70/month clothes allowance. That may seem low, but when you can buy a cute top from TJ Maxx or H&M for under $20, that’s enough. If I don’t spend all $70 one month, it gets pushed over to the next month.

3. Restaurant Specials.

Many restaurants have daily menu specials. Take advantage of these! Cafe Carolina, a favorite of ours, has a different lunch special every day for $6.49. For our Raleighites, check out Raleigh Specials Tonight.

4. Pack your lunch.

Eating out can add up! Save that money for nice dinners or a manicure. I try to pack my lunch 4 times a week and treat myself to lunch out once a week. Bagged lunches don’t have to be boring! There are endless ways to make a sandwich.

5. Cut back on the alcohol.

Gone are the days of dartying (day party) and endless nights out. Drinking less helps your wallet and your health. If you must, ask what the specials are.

6. Take off the fake nails.

Pretty nails are nice, we’ll admit. But, they are expensive! Getting a manicure should be a treat not a necessity. You can get your nails painted with gel polish and they will last up to a month and only cost you about $20.

7. Public Transit

If you live in a dense urban area with a great public transit system, use it! Gas is cheap these days, but it still adds up. Riding on the bus, train, metro, etc., is a great and affordable way for you and your friends to get somewhere and not have to pay for gas and parking.

What are some way y’all cut costs?

Put a Spring in Your Step!

It’s March 20, 2015 AND spring is here!! Thank goodness.

Here are some spring trends that we LOVE.

1. Bold colors. Shorts, tops, it doesn’t matter. The bright hues add energy and passion into what you wear.  Spring is the time to be bold and beautiful, so pair these powerful colors with neutral accents.  For example, bright red high waisted shorts look incredible with a sandy colored tissue tee.

C0896_YL5131You can find these beauties here or here.

2. Wedges. These elevated shoes add height to an outfit without all the discomfort of stilettos. Wearing an open-toed wedge elongates the legs when paired with a skirt or dress, and who doesn’t like to put on the illusion of legs that never end?

TB_51148608_671_B Want these? If you’re on a budget, look at these.

3. Gold. 14 karat or gold-filled, this rich metal adds class.  Not that silver isn’t beautiful, but gold adds warmth and brings out your natural skin tone. Layering simple gold necklaces is a way to dress up a simple tank.  Pair with dark skinny jeans and you’re basically on a runway.

christen-necklace-gold-iridescentdrusy Here it is! Check out this one too!

4. Florals. When we think of spring, we think of flowers and gorgeous weather. A floral patterned top pairs perfectly with a warm color, such as orange, yellow, or fuchsia. Add some pearls to feel like you just stepped out of Southern Living holding a warm sweet potato pie.

cn9405319  Find this look. Or this one.

Neither of us work at Vouge or are fashion gurus, but these trends make us happy.  Style is about feeling confident, so no matter what you wear…WORK IT!

Music Profile – Matt Phillips

The other day, I was driving home from a looong day at work.  Tired and exhausted, I turned on one of my favorite local stations – WKNC 88.1.  This is the place where I get my fix of musical talent from all different parts of North Carolina.

I remember specifically  being stuck in traffic on Wade Ave in Raleigh, when I heard the slow, melancholy sound coming from a guitar.  The melody traveled through my ears and relaxed my body and mind.  Just when I thought it couldn’t get any more beautiful, a smooth, yet raspy voice traveled through the airwaves.  His haunting tale of lost love made me feel like I was in the song with him.  I saw the conflict between the boy and the girl, and I hurt for him.

“Let’s put on some bluegrass and think about it…”

As soon as I parked, I looked up the lyrics.  Who was this guy? My search led me to a band called Matt Phillips and The Philharmonic from Chapel Hill, NC.  Youtube was my next destination. What I found was a melting pot of blues, folk, rock, and a bunch of different instruments.  I showed my boyfriend and he was impressed as well. We HAD to see if he was playing anywhere around here. His website (ilikemattphillips.com) told me he’d be at a bar in Raleigh the following week. Done.

As I walked towards the place, I imagined what it would be like.  Would there even be a seat available? I kind of hoped not, because I love to be that girl who dances in front of the stage.  When I opened the door, I saw about three people, including the bartender.  Where was everyone? My boyfriend looked at me and asked if I was sure that this was the right place and time.  As I look at the two people sitting at the bar, I noticed something. One of the guys looked very familiar.  OH! It was Matt, just chilling, drinking a beer.

I went up and introduced myself and chatted for a little bit.  He asked me for any requests and I rattled off a few that I enjoyed listening to on his Youtube page.  He then insists on playing for me and my guest, and the rest was history.  It was such a cool experience to get to know Matt and the stories behind his music.


Check out the track, “Bluegrass” here.

Thanks for all the feels, Matt.
